An exploration device for demanding technical dives with extremely long dive times.
When we started developing rebreather devices many years ago, PSCR (Passive Semi Closed Rebreather) was the measure of all things in technical diving. Although this has changed in recent years, PSCR devices are still enjoying some popularity, especially in the cave diving scene.
Unsurprisingly, an American cave diving group, which is in the exploration range of up to 20 hours, has commissioned us to produce a special series of PSCR devices with another unique feature: an exploration Sorb tank!
The limiting factor in rebreather diving is the cycle of life. The SFX has a scrubber capacity of up to 3.5 kg. (7.7lbs) This is unique and allows unique dives.
The highest manufacturing quality and the finest specifications characterize all components of the SFX.
The SFX is not CE certified and is distributed exclusively through Scuba Force USA.